So things have been almost as per normal these few days since that unforgettable encounter. But now there's another thing worrying me ; END OF YEAR EXAMS ! It's like 2 more days? And i'm not even close to being prepared to take any paper. All i can do now is try my best to stuff anything i've revised so far into my head and hope that i'll remember them when the time comes.
Nothing much happened today. Although during English lesson, Ms pek sorta gave us a choice. Those who wanna go library can go and then come back at 11.50 i think. But then, when like half the class went down, we discovered the library was actually closed. So it was either coincidental or she did it on purpose. Okay nevermindthen, we wanted to slack but thought SOMEONE went back to class and we did the same. Reach the class and ms pek asked us to sit on the floor-.- Apparently, No one who went down to the library has returned back to class. But yeah, got to know my oral results and i got an A (:
The only thing I'm waiting for is when the exams are finally over and i enjoy my hari raya.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Few more days till HARI RAYA!