Last Saturday, missed POA lesson cause woke up late. But in the end, went to Lot 1 with Feeq and Farid to meet the others, Haron, Hamdi, and Zul to go to "The Cage". Well, it was my first time going there and just so you know, it's "Singapore’s First Indoor Soccer Stadium." Going there was like ... slow. We missed our booking time slot which was supposed to be from 12pm-2pm as we were stucked in the bus with a traffic jam for about 1hr 45mins.
Reached there, nothing to do but in the end challenged another team and after that, it was like game after game after game with other adults. It was fun as the weather raining but we still got to play and best of all , we won all the games ^^. But seriously, i would recommend other football fanatics to go to "The Cage" as it has a good ambience with loud music playing while you're on the pitch to get you in the mood. Only downside is that is cost $90/hr to play there :(
Anyway, after a few hours of playing, we decided to take a bus to Gombak to have dinner together and it was great as we had a chance to catch up with each other.