Took the mother tongue exams today. Well, i hope i can pass my malay paper =x Come on lah, i did 5 pages for my composition , at least that should count for something, right? Didn't really expect i'll write that much actually.Paper 2 was quite tough but boring == Spend most of the time doing nothing and daydreaming.
After the paper 2, went home to get changed and stayed at howard's for awhile while waiting for the others to catch a movie. Initially, we were gonna catch the movie at 4.30 but instead we were still at howard's hse playing dota and some were playing his xbox.
Howard,Ryan,Wc,Wenjie,Izaac,Maggie,Wesley,farid and me were alrdy there but still needed to wait for p.o.b. Everyone should catch Iron man cause the Graphic is good and so is the storyline. Such a waste BinBin couldn't join us :( Went our separate ways at the interchange and back home(: