[23 december- 25december '07]
Just came back from holiday on christmas. It was quite an adventurous trip but too bad it was just for 3 days 2nights. Though, its was fun while it lasted. Went there with one of my best aunt,uncle and other cousins ( 3 boys including me and 2 other girls).We stayed at a hotel called 'The Legacy' in Melacca. The best part was mostly at the hotel coz 5 of us( aunt's children+me+ another cousin) got our own room and my cousin brought his x-box along. So we would either be sharing stories, playing x-box,messing around,fighting and doing other stuffs.
We did quite alot of stuff during the first day coz we alrdy left my aunt's home abt 5+ in the morning. My aunt would leave us at the arcade and gave each of us some money while she goes shopping for the hour.To say the truth, my aunt is really a generous person as she would get any thing we wanted and let us choose anything we wanted from the menu when we eat even though it was expensive.
Watched " I am Legend " during our 2nd day there even before it premiered in S'pore and the show was good and is one of the movies where the hero dies. After that went back to the hotel and went out again to one of the natural hotsprings available in Malaysia which is rumoured to be able to cure certain sickness. My uncle would join us in the evening coz he had a golf tornament with his friends. One of the best things in the hotel was the FOOD! They would serve by buffet and when i leave my seat to get other food they would clear my plates before i get back. The food is great, the service is terrific and the atmostphere was wonderful. i Really hope to experience this moment again(not deja vu, uh) but being back in Singapore and getting to talk to .... again is still the best.
I met a blind man the other day, He taught me how to see Love